Saturday, August 9, 2014

On the Road Again

I Just Can't Wait to Get On the Road Again

This very special edition of The Boondock Life comes to you courtesy of I-77 South through Virginia. That's right, the Tinderbox Circus Sideshow is on the road again, and I'm taking a well needed break from the steering wheel to get some of the day dreaming out of my head and out to you.

This very well could be the last overnight trip we take as a sideshow without having the RV, if I can keep to my schedule, and even though this has been rather pleasant compared to some of the other road trips we've taken, I still can't help but imagine how much easier things will be once it's my HOME we're driving in, rather than this uncomfortable loaner SUV (thanks Mom). Just having a place to get away from this stiff, uncomfortable passenger seat would be a blessing.

I'll take this moment to apologize for the disjointed nature of this post. I can only look at this screen for so long before I start getting car sick.

So far I've been holding to my schedule well. Most of the preliminary work to prepare for the RV is getting done quickly and easily, and the biggest challenge now to getting the money together and buying the damn thing. With the slow (though not unexpected) response I'm getting from the Indiegogo campaign, I haven't counted on procuring the majority of the funds that way (though a guy can hope). Thankfully, I'm getting into the busy season at work, and I expect the biggest part of the funds to come from my own savings over the next month or so. If everything works out, if the planets align and I (for once) have luck on my side, I still plan on parking my new home in my driveway for the first time before Halloween.

As money does trickle in, although slowly, the wait becomes harder and harder.  I'm repeatedly finding myself perusing Craigslist, window shopping for good deals. I'm fantasizing more and more about what I'll do, what I'll change, where I'll go first, and I've found that I'm becoming evangelical, attempting to recruit others so that they too will buy an RV and live in it. I think I'm try to start a caravan.

I'm sitting in the SUV, hundreds of miles from home, in front of the Venue I'm to perform in tonight, and instead of focusing on the show, I still can't help but think, if only I was in my RV.


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