Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Long Time Coming

Like running into a friend from high school when you're doing your weekly shopping, I've returned to the blogging world, from out of nowhere, and in the most awkward way possible.

It's been a long time since my last update, so this is going to start rambling and crashing quite badly. The weather here is finally getting nice enough that I've been able to get outside and start working on the RV again. I've been focusing on it pretty intensely over the last week or so, and I've been able to get a lot of things finished, and a few things started.

There's still a long way to go before I can call this project finished, more than I can recount here, because it's more than I can recall at the moment. The important thing, though, is that I've changed the plan.

As some (none) of you may recall, the original plan had me moved out and living in the RV, saving money, getting used to this life, before April. Well, thanks to frustration, procrastination, and a prolonged series of wintery events, that didn't happen. Instead of letting that get me down, and more importantly slow me down, I've re-engineered how I'm going about this at all.

First, I've separated my (lengthy) to-do list into two categories. Repairs, and Improvements. Have to Dos and Want to Dos. When I did this, it absolutely shocked me how much I've actually accomplished, and in a relatively short amount of time. I was also, pleasantly surprised by how little I have to do. Note my use of that word. The repairs are coming down to the last of the major fixes, and that has lead me to where I am now.

As far as major issues go, I only have one left. There's a substantial leak in the fresh water plumbing coming from some pipes right below the shower, which is preventing the water system from getting up to pressure, which is preventing the water system from being used at all. Luckily, it only leaks when the water pump is on, so the water damage has been pretty minimal, and by the time you're (not) reading this, I'll be knee deep in cracked pipes and googled plumbing fixes. That's right folks, I'm getting into this problem as early as tomorrow morning.

Which brings me to my surprise (and surprising) announcement.

I could be living in the RV as soon as this weekend. Assuming all goes well with the repairs tomorrow, and I don't find five more problems to deal with, this is the last major repair holding me back from starting the major life change that this whole project has been about. As soon as it is rectified, the (extensive) clean up and move in process begins.

Wish me luck.


P.S. I realize that I'm a terrible blogger and that it has been months on months since my last update on this project. I'm looking into that problem as well. Expect more updates soon.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you are still motivated and almost amidst the finished product. Keep on truckin' (or RRV'n in this case)!
