Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Decisions Decisions

Or...Three, Two...

It's been a trying couple of days for the RV plan. Between my, so far, two failed attempts at repairing the leaking water line, and the rain slowing me down from attempt number three, and the mountain of work ahead of me, and many many drawing deadlines, I've found myself pretty damn close to shaking this whole thing off as a bad idea, cutting my losses, getting rid of the RV and resigning myself to a normal, boring life. To prevent that, I've gone and done something radical, something dangerous, and something that some might call down right stupid.

I've made a decision, and I've revised my plan further.

First, I have made another attempt at patching the waterline. I don't know that this attempt will be any more successful than the last, but without MAJOR bodywork surgery, there's not much else that I can do. I'll be testing this particular patch tonight, after giving it several hours to cure. If it works, great, I can move on to the next thing to do. If it does not, well, that brings me back around to today's great decision.

Come hell or high (flowing) water, I'm moving into the RV. I plan on parking at an RV campground, and they have facilities I can use in case I've failed yet again to patch the water line. (In that case, I will be resorting to drastic measures, which I discuss in a possible later blog post).

I have a date set, and I'll be talking more about that process soon. In the meantime, you'll find me working my ass off to get everything ready, and get myself set up.

It's strange, because I've been dreaming of this moment for a long time, and now, in the situation I've found myself reaching it, I'm far more stressed and scared than excited. I think, I hope, that will change when I've spent my first night officially living in my new home.

More announcements to come. Wish me luck.


1 comment:

  1. My father owns a mechanic shop here in Lexington, and they work on just about anything. He also doesn't charge nearly as much as dealerships would. Give him a call if you need any help; (859) 278-7730
