Thursday, April 2, 2015

Ticks And Tocks

Or...The Check List, Round 2

It's been a long while since I posted one of my obscenely disorganized checklists, so I thought, since I'm sitting here writing, I would put the updated one up for you all to see. And judge.

Here we go. This list will probably change between the writing and the publishing of it, but that's the nature of the internet I'm afraid. In no particular order...

  • Scrape the Paint off of the Skylight. I have a skylight, I'd like to see through it.
  • Test the wiring to the gas detector. If the wiring works, replace the gas detector, because it certainly does not.
  • Replace that blown stereo fuse. The one that I blew while changing the stereo head. By touching the live power wire to something metal.
  • Tune the engine up. This is a whole list of things all on its own. Change the oil and oil filter, change the transmission fluid, change the spark plugs, spark plug wires, and air filter. Tune up stuff.
  • Replace the blown lights on the house control panel. Not necessary, even a little, but it'd be a nice thing to have.
  • Replace the Windshield Wipers (arms and blades). It would be nice to be able to drive in the rain. I might need to replace the windshield motors too, but we'll see.
  • Fix that fucking leaky pipe. I might have tackled that today, but time was short and I wasn't able to test it, so on the list it stays.
  • Fill the freshwater tank completely. If the water is running, and not leaking all over the place, there's no reason to not have it full, right?
  • Remove the generator. This requires a little explanation. The generator on an RV is hardly ever used really, mostly just when boondocking or dry docking somewhere. I plan on having the solar panels for that job, so the generator is just taking up space. The compartment it was in, is where the battery bank for the solar panels will go. Speaking of...
  • Replace the generator with a bank of batteries. This.
  • Replace both Rooftop AC Units. Preferably before summer, otherwise I will never hear the end of the complaining about the heat, at least partially from myself.
  • Build the rain catcher, using the exhaust vent in the kitchen. Free water is good, yeah?
  • Order, receive, and install the solar panel system. Hook said system to the new battery bank. Free electricity is better.
  • Look into wind turbines? This is an idea I had on the way back from Chicago last summer, and I wrote about it back then. I have since made no effort to look into this further. I should get on that.
  • Refinish that hideous, yet remarkably comfortable couch. There is a definite plan here. The plan is to give my sideshow partner a weekly budget, and let her go nuts with the interior decorating.
  • Hang new curtains. See the above plan.
  • Fix the chandelier that squeaks when I drive. I like calling it a chandelier. It's really just a fancy light fixture with way too many small, expensive bulbs, that looks to be made out of cheap whiskey tumblers. Seriously, the sound it makes while driving will drive you mad within only a few miles.
  • Set up internet. Internet is important to me. I use it to book shows, advertise, and write this blog. I gotta have it. There's two options I'm looking into here, and I'm still not sold on either.
  • Install a reversing camera, because the rearview mirror is useless. Completely useless, and no amount of replacing or repairing will help. Time to bring driving backwards into the overly complicated 21st century.
  • Replace the roller track for the bedroom door. So I can close it for some privacy on the road. Or so my fellow sideshow performers can get away from me from time to time.
  • Replace the three light fixtures that don't work. Why don't they work? I don't know, but it's not the bulbs.
  • Replace the exhaust fan in the bathroom. If you need an explanation for why this is important, talk to my coworkers.
  • Buy a drainage hose for the grey/black water tanks. Now that the blackwater tank works, I'd like to be able to empty it.
  • Buy a trailer so I can haul my truck. The RV is too big for drive-thrus.

That's not everything, not by a long shot, but that's what's on my to-do list at the moment, and the vast majority of this can be done while I'm living in the RV, which is the current plan. Hope you enjoyed my neurotic list making.


1 comment:

  1. This list should keep you busy for quite a while. Projects are good.
