Monday, August 4, 2014

A Lack of Friction

Or...Is This as Good of an Idea as I Think It Is?

There's something bothering me today. I've had this plan of downsizing my life into an RV for several weeks now, and I've been thinking of little else for several days, and before this blog became public, only a handful of people knew about this idea. Now I've gone public, and asked, no begged, for input. For attention. I've asked for questions to test my resolve, and conversation to shed light on new ideas, and while I have had some truly excellent return on that request, not nearly as much as I'd hoped.

Overall, I think it's the lack of resistance that's scaring me. Things are almost too easy-going. Everyone down to my concerned parents just aren't that concerned with me abandoning my nice, 3 bedroom house with the big back yard, and taking up a life in what really comes down to a fancy van. No one that I've talked to has been able to raise any real problems that I hadn't already considered and planned for. No one seems to think that this is a bad idea, and frankly, that scares me.

In my mind, this is so strange. Maybe it's because I'm the one staring down the barrel of this idea. Being a single man, with no responsibility to maintain any certain lifestyle, perhaps everyone is thinking that this is easy, and that my obsession is just excitement, and I am excited, don't get me wrong, I'm also afraid.

Part of the purpose of this blog, and of badgering my friends, isn't to brag. I need feedback. I need friction. There are problems and concerns that I haven't seen yet. There are scenarios for which I'm not prepared. It's this absent, dissenting conversation that I need that will bring these to light, so I can deal with them in theory long before they arise in reality.

I need friction.

The invitation is open to anyone, and everyone. Comment, email, in person, on Facebook, or Fetlife or anywhere else you know to get in contact with me. I beseech you, try and make me afraid, because in trying to scare me, you're going to help me figure out how to not be.


P.S. My Crowdfunding campaign is 0.29% funded! The first donation is in, and a big thanks goes out to my long time fried, his royal Joe-Ness, Joseph Griffenstein. If you can't contribute conversation, or if you can, contribute to the Indiegogo campaign, and get something cool for your trouble. Spread the word.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe there's no friction or resistance because it's a completely plausible idea. I've known you a long time. You can totally pull it off. Successfully. You have survival and problem solving skills. You can do this. As long as you've thought it through, who is anyone else to question it? :D I wish you the very best and I will contribute as I'm able to (budget wise). Love and hugs Zack!
