Saturday, August 16, 2014

Nothing In Particular

Or...There's Just Not a Lot to Write About

It's amazing how sometimes a day can feel incredibly productive, until the next morning, when you realize that you really haven't gotten anything of consequence done at all.

While I'm waiting to put together the money for the RV, a slow enough process as it is, (with everything together, I'm about 8% there, all told), I'm struggling to keep interest in the house I'm currently living in. It's messy, and I can't care because I have this plan to not be there anymore. That plan is moving slowly though, and so I find that I have to force myself to do basic things like cleaning and mowing the yard.

So yesterday I did just that, I forced myself to mow the yard, do the dishes, and take the trash out. I vacuumed the living room, and changed the cat box. I gathered up loose screwdrivers and organized my toolboxes. I was domestic, with small dashes of preparing for the RV move.

I threw out some things that had been taking up space for well over a year, mostly old motorcycle parts to bikes I don't even have anymore. I swept up the leaves and shuffled around the stuff in my driveway to make room for my truck and the RV. I put together a bag of clothes to take to Goodwill.

Yes, it sounds like the most minuscule and minute tasks, practically irrelevant, but this is what I have available to me to get done NOW, and I need to get things done NOW. I'm not a person that can wait. I pack days before a trip, I thaw my dinner before I've had breakfast. I hate being rushed, and I hate being late.

So every tiny step I get done in the meantime, is one less thing standing between myself and moving my life off the grid.


P.S. With the slow progress of gathering money before buying the RV, these blog posts have already started coming out less frequently. I'll try and keep writing a new one for every other day, and to update you all on any major developments, but there's only so many ways of saying "Still Waiting for Money". Thank you all.

P.P.S. The current runner for the spot of Highest Donation to the crowdfunding campaign and the grandeur of having their name tattooed on me is Tiv Wattenberger. I'm still accepting donations, right here on the Indiegogo Campaign, in case anyone wants to give her a run for her money.

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