Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Going Nowhere

It's been a frustrating few days in my world. There have been a plethora of financial and emotional difficulties presenting themselves, and I'm ashamed to say that my impatience has lately been getting the better of me.

I may have mentioned, once or twice, that I'm not a fan of waiting, and when I have an idea, whether it's a good or bad one, I want to act on it that instant. This experience (though it's just beginning) of drastically changing my life, has been a severe and rather uncomfortable test of my patience. A test, at least for the last few days, I've not been passing.

I made the progress today, of putting almost $200 into savings, to accompany whatever will come of the Indiegogo campagin when that comes to me in late September. Combined with my previous savings, that comes to a grand total saved of $200. Not an hour later however, due to an overdue bill, that $200 had to come back out of savings and be spent to turn my power back on. That's the thing with bills, you know, they keep happening every month.

To put it simply, I've had my hopes up, and over the last few days, I've realized that mistake. I'm struggling to even get started, when in my head I should be already moving down the path. The plans keep multiplying, and the check lists are getting longer, not shorter. For every step forward I take, I'm seeing two other steps I need, and hadn't counted on, and I'm struggling to remind myself that, even though the path is longer and harder than expected, I'm still making steps down it. I need to not forget that two steps forward and one back is still stepping forward.

Luckily for me however, I have a few people in my life who have been a wonderful base of support. With their encouragement, I haven't given this whole debacle up, and will continue to bombard both this blog and my facebook account with pleas for attention and support, emotional and financial. Sometimes the going will be tough, and sometimes it will feel like the going isn't going at all, but I won't stop. Not until my house is rolling on 4 wheels.


P.S. This will be the last of the personal, woe-is-me, blog posts for a while, promise. Don't forget to donate to the Indiegogo Campaign, by clicking here. Donate a dollar if a dollar is all you can donate, everything helps.

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