Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Questions and Answers

Thanks to the wonderful efforts of my most excellent friends, fellow performers, coworkers, and my relentless posting to Facebook, this blog is getting some overwhelmingly positive attention. That attention however, has illuminated some problems. Apparently, but unsurprisingly, I've not been all too clear on some aspects of the plan to move into an RV, so in today's blog post, I want to address some of those questions.

Are you quitting your job?

Simple answer. NO. I'm still going to be piercing, and I'll still be piercing at Bleed Blue Tattoo.  The most drastic change there will be MAYBE cutting my hours back a little, to allow me a bit more breathing room for travelling with Tinderbox Circus Sideshow.

What are you going to do about your pets?

This question I understand, as I haven't made much mention of my menagerie of animals. Right now there are three, two cats, Abernathy and Bellatrix, and my most excellent dog, Cairan. Concerns have been raised as to how I will manage three animals in a tiny RV, and I've been thinking on that quite hard. I don't want my pets to suffer for my lifestyle, so I want to share where I'm at with that, per pet.

Abernathy won't be living with me in the RV. In just a few weeks, he'll be going to live with my friends Kayti and Eric, where he will, I'm quite sure, be spoiled absolutely rotten and shed all over their nice clean house. Kayti is Abernathy's pet mother, so he already knows and loves her, and he's quite fond of Eric when he comes to visit, so it'll be a perfect fit (except for the tumbleweeds of hair that will drive Kayti mad).

Bellatrix is a question still. She is a pretty recent family member, as the person who she was living with could no longer keep her. Her I'm going to try inside the RV in between buying it and moving it, to get a feel for how she would do, and if it won't work out, we already have a new home lined up for her.

Cairan on the other hand, is most definitely moving in with me. Never has there been a dog more designed for living in a confined space with. Let me explain a couple things about this magnificent beast. He hates being any more than four feet from me at any given moment, inside or out. He loves car rides. He already shares my bed, and couch, and any other piece of furniture I may find myself on. He's going to be perfect.

How Off-the-Grid are you going? You're still of Facebook and awful lot...

Not all the way off, I can go ahead and tell you that. As I've written before, living space, water, and electricity will be taken care of, but I'll still be working, both as a performer and as a piercer, so I'll need internet. I'll be looking into getting a mobile hotspot through a cell phone provider later on in the process. My computer and my cell phone are vital parts of my business life that I plan to maintain. Also, for a good part of the time, I'll be paying for a place to park the RV. While that's not "officially off-the-grid", it's a good deal farther off than I am now.

And while I'm talking about parking...

Where are you going to park your RV?

In my research into this project, I've come across a couple possibilities here. The first, is Boondocking. If you pay attention to the title of this blog, and the Indiegogo campaign, you'll have noticed that I'm quite fond of this word. Boondocking is parking where the hell ever you want. A friend's driveway, a random neighborhood, a Wal-Mart parking lot, etc. It's free, but there's drawbacks. Some places it's illegal to boondock, and when boondocking, there's no place to empty the dreaded Black Hose.

The second option I've come across is camp grounds. Within just a few miles of downtown Lexington, there are designated RV campgrounds, with water, sewage, and power hookups. They're pay to park, but most that I've looked into are $500 or MORE less that I'm paying in rent for my house per month. Add to that that NATION WIDE discount plan memberships are a pittance for a year or more of discounts, so even if I do have to pay to anchor somewhere, I'm saving a huge chunk of money every month.


Hopefully that addresses some of the questions and concerns my readers have had, but I'm sure there will be more as time goes on.  I expect this kind of post to become a regular thing, so feel free to message me, email me, or comment any questions that you might have.

And as per usual, here's where you can go to donate money towards moving this project forward. Your help is absolutely indispensable, and thank you so much for helping me realize this dream, and for your emotional support by reading this blog, and spreading the word.


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